Saturday, November 20, 2010

Atlas of Birth

An interactive Atlas of Birth from the White Ribbon Alliance.

There are is great disparity in the level of care women receive worldwide. If you look at the United States in the map of the Risks of Women Dying in Childbirth, you notice that we're a different color than the vast majority of Europe, Canada, and Australia. That's because there is a greater chance of maternal mortality in our country than in our GDP counter-parts. This is what we need to remind healthcare professionals and policy makers of. We may think we're #1, but too many women are dying in this country to continue with this ignorance and pride.

Thanks to @Amnesty International for the report (Deadly Deliveries) that has spawned so much attention for the risks in keeping the status quo in U.S. maternal health amongst the media, representatives in Washington, and individuals in the U.S. and abroad.

I hope we see more innovative tools for educating us all on the need to bolster women's rights at home and abroad.

Sunday's Bay Area Doula Events

There will be two exciting birth and doula events in the Bay Area tomorrow!

First up is the San Francisco Birth and Baby Fair at the Fort Mason Center in San Francisco. Doors open at 10:00 am and there will be many opportunities to win prizes, attend free workshops on birth and early parenting, and shop amongst hundreds of local businesses all in one place! I'll be at the SF Doula Group table as well as the speed date-style Meet the Doula event at 2:00. Hope to see you there!

If you're in the East Bay and still looking for a doula or are interested in learning more about doulas, please come to the Birth Ways Meet the Doula night tomorrow at 6:30. Pre-registration is required, but this is a free event for expectant mamas and their partners. The first part of the event is a doula panel with representatives from the birth and postpartum doula community will give brief overviews of the roles and benefits of doulas, followed by a Q&A session.The second half of the event will be an informal gathering where parents can interact one-on-one with local doulas. Please visit the Birth Ways site to register for Sunday's event, or any upcoming Meet the Doula nights.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

New Year's Babies

We have availabilities in January and February for new clients! Please call or email to set up an initial interview before the holidays!

Tel: 415.424.4680

Monday, November 15, 2010

Vote for SFGH Doulas!


Click the link above to cast your vote for the SFGH Volunteer Doula Program to receive a $10,000 Changemakers grant! Just think of how many more doulas could volunteer with that grant money...and how many more women will have better birth experiences!

Upcoming Events

Hello Bay Area parents and birth advocates!

Here's an update on the upcoming doula events in the area...

What is a doula? First meeting

Thursday, November 18th


731 Henry St., Oakland

We'll be discussing the formation of this non-profit, the goals of the organization, first steps, fundraising ideas, and the results of the survey. If you are interested in learning more about the organization and would like to participate, please RSVP to If you are unable to make it to the event, but would like to contribute still, you can take the survey via Survey Monkey!

San Francisco Birth and Baby Fair

Sunday, November 21st


Fort Mason Center, San Francisco

Emily will be at the SF Doula table from 10:00 to noon as well as for the Meet the Doula workshop at 2:00pm. There will be tons of local birth and baby companies with tables at the event, and loads of interesting free workshops. Go onto to register!

Birthways Meet the Doula Night

Sunday, November 21st


1600 Shattuck Ave. Suite 122, Berkeley

Register here! These events are meant to be small and intimate so only 6 couples can register in any given month. Make sure to register early for this or next's month to ensure your spot. This is a free event.

Hope to see you there!

How childbirth preparation classes for men can improve birth outcomes

Ever heard of tocophobia? It’s a term used to describe the fear of childbirth. Researchers in Sweden have found that when expectant fathers experience tocophobia, it may have negative effects on the birth experiences of their partners.

The study found that many of these men were fearful not only of the process of childbirth, but in their roles as parents as well. There have been some signs to indicate that tocophobia contributed to an increase in cesarean sections, pointing to the need for birth professionals to address these fears with expecting parents.

The since the study, the Swedish Medical University has begun providing childbirth preparation classes featuring the use of psychoprophylaxis (relaxation techniques) for all expectant parents with good results.

Childbirth educators encourage both mother and partner to participate in class discussions to try and address these common fears about labor and early parenting. Educational models such as the Bradley Method, Hypnobirthing, and Birthing from Within place a great deal of emphasis on the partner as a strong yet calm source of strength for the woman in labor by teaching the partner relaxation techniques like massage and affirmations.

Couples are encouraged to take these lengthier courses, independent of the hospital preparation courses to get a more complete training in birth support.

Additionally, hiring a doula can help parents receive one-on-one training in these techniques and a sense of security in asking questions concerning any anxieties in an intimate and supportive setting. Doulas also help the partner to feel comfortable that everything is going well in labor, knowing that the mother will never be left alone and that there is a constant source of guidance and expertise by their side.

For a list of childbirth educators in your area, visit the International Childbirth Educators Association website.