Wonderful news, expectant mamas! The always wonderful website Childbirthconnection.org has recently been updated to include a pregnancy and childbirth video library.
As a doula and birth advocate, I can tell you that although birthing videos are incredibly valuable learning tools, it is often difficult to find some of the best of them, and even when you do, they often come with a high price tag. So welcome the free, online video library!
Some of the options on the site are full length, others provide edited versions of the full length movies you can opt to purchase. A few others, such as The Business of Being Born, allow you to rent the movie on your computer for 24 hours for a small fee. Each video also directs you to the movie's official web page, making it easy to find even more articles, books, and videos on pregnancy and childbirth.
It is worth seeking out videos that celebrate the event of birth and seek to educate families of their options in childbirth and this new site makes it so easy. The videos featured on the site offer more than worthy alternatives to the TLC-run horror stories that take up a five-hour block of morning television.
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