An interesting article from our neighbors up north:
Lobbying grows for the 10 month-old baby
Just how long does it take to make a human baby? Nine months is the going answer, but a small lobby of women believes that it’s more like 10 months and beyond.
Guardian columnist Viv Groskop gave the debate some gravitas with her Oct. 1 story of giving birth to her third child 20 days after his due date. “My first two babies were 15 days late,” she wrote. “But a day shy of week 43? That is virtually record-breaking – and, some would say, slightly mad.”
Generally, a baby is considered full-term when it reaches a gestational age of 37 weeks. A “post-term” baby is one that been gestating up to or beyond 42 weeks...
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I've heard a lot of women tell me that their due date is not what they think it should be, knowing for sure the date they conceived, but they still go along with the doctor's estimates. When they reach 38 weeks, they start being pressured into having their membranes swept or being scheduled for inductions. I have to think that this standard adjustment is part of why I see so many women who are not at all in labor walking to their hospital rooms while I'm attending other births. Are they all considered "late"? And are the ones who are told that they're "overdue", are they at 38 weeks? 42? 40 and 3 days?
I was a three week late baby and was born with no complications and minimal interventions. No one was pressuring my mother to induce when she hit 38 weeks. I know many other people who have a similar story. Interestingly, since becoming a doula, my mother has shared more of her birth story with me than I had previously ever known. After a lengthy talk on due dates recently, she realized that the doctor's due dates for her were most likely off due to a number of factors that she never had the chance to even bring up with her OB when they took out the gestational chart and circled September 2. I was born September 29 without a sign of post maturity...unless my whopping 9lbs 10 oz were solely the result of a few extra weeks.
Are there similar stories out there? This article came from Canada and as far as I know, their induction rate is somewhat lower than ours (which was reported to be 20.6% in 2003, but some smaller recent surveys are showing rates closer to 40%) and it may be likely that the pressure to induce in Canadian hospitals for post-term dates could be even less significant than in the U.S. I don't know of very many women who are allowed to go even two weeks past their due dates in the U.S., let alone to 43 weeks. Am I wrong?
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